
Haskell Modeでは、C-c C-rやC-c C-nでエラーの行に飛んでくれるけど、どうせなら行頭でなくてエラーの桁まで飛んで欲しい。パッチというほどの修正じゃないけど。

--- haskell-ghci.el.orig        2006-05-18 07:03:25.000000000 +0900
+++ haskell-ghci.el     2007-04-07 11:47:50.203125000 +0900
@@ -295,20 +295,24 @@
       (progn (pop-to-buffer haskell-ghci-process-buffer)
             (goto-char haskell-ghci-error-pos)
             (if (re-search-forward
-                 "^[^\/]*\\([^:\n]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\)" nil t)
+                 "^[^\/]*\\([^:\n]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\)" nil t)
                 (let ((efile (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1)
                                                (match-end 1)))
                       (eline (string-to-int
                               (buffer-substring (match-beginning 2)
-                                                (match-end 2)))))
+                                                (match-end 2))))
+                      (ecol  (string-to-int
+                              (buffer-substring (match-beginning 3)
+                                                (match-end 3)))))
                   (recenter 2)
                   (setq haskell-ghci-error-pos (point))
-                  (message "GHCi error on line %d of %s."
-                   eline (file-name-nondirectory efile))
+                  (message "GHCi error on line %d, column %d of %s."
+                   eline ecol (file-name-nondirectory efile))
                   (if (file-exists-p efile)
                       (progn (find-file-other-window efile)
                              (goto-line eline)
+                             (move-to-column ecol)

       ;; We got an error without a file and line number, so put the


/tmp/Hoge.hs:1:9: Not a constructor: `forall'

